For those of you who are avid Taco Bell fans, this place is for you. There is a beach called Linda Mar near San Francisco in this little beach town called Pacifica (I have written about this town before). On this beach is a cute little Taco Bell, right on the beach. You can walk right up to an ordering window right off the shore, because they won't let you inside if your feet are too sandy. So if you ever get hungry after a hard day of surfing and don't feel like cleaning up to go out to eat, just walk right up to the window of this Taco Bell, and there you have your meal! Plus, who could beat that view?
Personally, I used to be a HUGE Taco Bell fan. I used to eat it probably once a week. Gross, I know, but I loved it. After I got my license my Junior year in high school I just felt the urge to use my freedom to the best of my advantage and go to Taco Bell whenever I wanted. After about a year of this splurging, I really felt it hit my bank account and my stomach. This probably wasn't the best thing for me, and every time I ate it after that, I just felt sick to my stomach. So, I decided to swear off Taco Bell for as long as possible. I went without Taco Bell for a few months, but occasionally when I would go to Pacifica, I would have to get some Taco Bell because it was the only thing to eat after spending all day at the beach. After months of going without Taco Bell, I finally decided to give it another try. I ate it in the Cougareat just a few months ago, and it did not settle well with my stomach at all. I think I have become immune to Taco Bell.
On one hand, congratulations on your immunity. On the other hand, it's always sad to see an old passion die.
Do you miss it sometimes?
Haha, yeah sometimes I miss it, but then I eat it, and I don't...
Sad when your favorites become so disgusting. I hate that. I hope you find a new favorite.
I swore off Taco Bell a loooooong tome ago when it once made me sick, I have not eaten there since most likely middle school.... I think it has given me an appriciation for better mexican food.
I am GLAD I found your blog! hi. Mine is at lillypadandprince.blogspot.com
haha i like taco bell but not that much... that must have hit your wallet really hard... because the little things add up... but was it worth it?
I thought it was worth it at the time, but now that I have given it up, I regret it!
if you are immune to taco bell, it means you wouldn't get sick from it. i think you meant you are...well...i dont know what you meant, but you are not immune!
Well sorrrry miss journalism major... yeah I thought that wasn't the right word, but I couldn't think of the right word so I just used that one instead
I love Taco Bell! I haven't had it for a long time, though. Well, I had it once when I went back home for Christmas break. But other than that, it's been a while. But whenever I get it...I love it!
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