So I was just looking through some old pictures of mine (always my inspiration for my new posts) and I came upon the pictures of my Senior Grad Night trip to Disneyland. Those 24 hours were probably the most exhausting hours of my life. We met at my high school around 10AM, got in buses and left around noon, and were on the road for the 8 hour road trip southern California. We made 2 stops on the way there, one bathroom break, and one food break later on. We made it to Disneyland around 9PM, but first we went to California Advneture because it would be closing at midnight. After that, were up allllll night playing at Disneyland! We left Disneyland at 9AM the next morning. Now you may be wondering what this has to do with my food blog. Well, let me tell you... I had never felt so unhealthy and disgusting in all my life, then at that time! For the bus ride there, we were given a brown paper bag filled with "goodies" including Sour Punch Ropes, Nutter Butters, Rice Krispie Treats, crackers, fruit snacks, Gushers, cookies... all that good stuff. And at our lunch stop, we were given the options of Subway, Starbucks, McDonald's, some random buffet, a "roach coach" taco truck, and a few other places of the like. The Subway line was about as long as the line for a ride at Disneyland, so my friends and I decided to hit up Starbucks and get some frappucinos (coffee free!) and sandwhiches.
We did not get the chance to eat until later that night, when we got into California Adventure and were given our meal passes to receive either a "free" burrito, burger, or sandwhich. I say "free" because the total of the entire trip cost about $200, and it came with the "free" meal. We chose to get the burritos since we had already had sandwhiches. Bad choice. The burrito was horrible! Although, it was 11 o'clock at night, so it may have just been bad timing. After wandering around Disneyland for hours on end, you get a little hungry, so my friends decided to buy some ice cream around 2AM, but I declined the offer. Then a couple hours later (about 4AM) I realized how hungry I was, and when my friend bought some of those deep fried cheese stick melt things (whatever you call them) and some french fries and he offered them to me, I decided to give it a try. Another bad choice. I felt disgusting after eating just one! When it was finally time to leave Disneyland (this trip felt like a whole week instead of just 24 hours or so), I got on the bus not feeling too hot, so I took a nap until we reached the same stop we had come to earlier for our lunch stop, but it was now our breakfast stop. It was 9AM, and pretty much the only option was McDonald's. I had not eaten McDonald's ever since I had seen "Supersize Me" in my English class a few months prior to the trip. But since I was starving... I decided it was worth it. I think I got an Egg McMuffin, but I can't really remember... it's all just a blur now. Nevertheless, I still remember feeling like crap. SO moral of the story is... NEVER go to Disneyland for an all-nighter, unless you are planning on packing some healthy meals for yourself.